martedì 25 gennaio 2011
'The Puzzle' never die!
'The Puzzle' never die!!! A new review came out yesterday on the american web called "Cinema Crazed" (read it here). But it's not all! 'The sweet hand of the White Rose' has received a new review too. Read it on the italian web called "Gufetto Magazine" (push here). Thanks a lot.
mercoledì 19 gennaio 2011
'The sweet hand of the White Rose': 2nd Best Independent Film of the Year

martedì 11 gennaio 2011
Carlos Bahos's interview and other news...

domenica 9 gennaio 2011
Ghostface is coming on April 15!!!

Here you can watch the theatrical trailer.
giovedì 6 gennaio 2011
A new article on Casabermeja's official web
A new article of 'The sweet hand of the White Rose' came out yesterday on Casabermeja's official web. Push here to read it and enjoy!
martedì 4 gennaio 2011
'The sweet hand of the White Rose' again in TV
The next 11 of January, ‘The sweet hand of the White Rose’ will be broadcast once time again on “PTV Málaga”, to celebrate the nomination as “2010 Best Independent Film”, event organized by the Italian web “Indie Horror” (push here). The movie will be broadcast around 6: 30 pm on “Málaga en Antena”, a TV program directed by Diego Banderas.
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