mercoledì 31 dicembre 2008
Goodbye 2008...
Today, for me, it's a time to make a balance about this year: I shot only a short-movie and it's been selected for ten festival finals, while the italian reviews are 12 and the interviews are 5.
The time passed very quickly and now I keep in mind to realize three new shorts in the next year. The first of them is called "The sweet hand of the White Rose" and we'll start the pre-production on January, thus shooting on May. I'll let you know other news as soon as possible.
Happy New Year to everyone again.
The time passed very quickly and now I keep in mind to realize three new shorts in the next year. The first of them is called "The sweet hand of the White Rose" and we'll start the pre-production on January, thus shooting on May. I'll let you know other news as soon as possible.
Happy New Year to everyone again.
giovedì 25 dicembre 2008
"The sweet hand of the White Rose"
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone. In these happy and special days, I'm proud to say that I should start the pre-production of a new short-movie, called "The sweet hand of the White Rose", between January and February. I'll bring you up to date step by step.
sabato 20 dicembre 2008
The Puzzle - A new review
Here I am again. I have a lots of job in this period that it's always more difficult finding a free time to write. Anyway, today I'm writing to say that a new review of "The Puzzle" came out on "IlCineManiaco" (
In the next few weeks, also, I'll reveal which is my plane... a new short movie is coming soon...
In the next few weeks, also, I'll reveal which is my plane... a new short movie is coming soon...
martedì 16 dicembre 2008
Welcome again to Crystal Lake!!!

The remake of "Friday the 13th" is now in post-production and the release data should be 13 of February. Discover all the movie information (trailer, photos, etc.) on the official web site (
mercoledì 10 dicembre 2008
SAW V: Jigsaw is back!!!

Official trailer present on
Enjoy the last chapter!!!
martedì 2 dicembre 2008
A new interview
Yesterday (1 of December) it's come out a new interview that I made for the "Kingdom of Gore".
Visit this web site and pushing over my name.
Good reading.
Visit this web site and pushing over my name.
Good reading.
martedì 25 novembre 2008
Welcome back, Dario!!!

When American model Celine (Elsa Pataky) is kidnapped off the streets during fashion week in Milan and put through a series of terrifying, humiliating and painful ordeals, her sister Linda (Emmanuelle Seigner) desperately recruits Inspector Enzo Lavia (Adrien Brody) to find Celine before she suffers the same awful fate as the other beautiful victims...
If you want know more details or watch the official trailer, go to check the official Dario Argento web site (
Welcome back, Dario!!!
martedì 18 novembre 2008
BFF: Beinette Film Festival - Final nº 10!!!
I'm here again and this time is to say that the short-movie reached a new final on Beinette Film Festival (
I feel, after 10 finals, to give again the compliment to all the people that have worked in the project. The final will be on 21 of November. Go "Puzzle"!!!
I feel, after 10 finals, to give again the compliment to all the people that have worked in the project. The final will be on 21 of November. Go "Puzzle"!!!
domenica 16 novembre 2008
Final nº 9 - Certamen de Cortos del IAJ
We didn't have luck (I prefer use this words...) in the "Fancine", but now we are in a new final of "Certamen de Cortos del IAJ" ( This festival is parallel to the "Festival de Cine Iberoamericano de Huelva".
We'll see what's happening...
We'll see what's happening...
domenica 9 novembre 2008
"Fancine" - Andalusian short movies final
The final of the Andalusian short movies will be today at 18: 30. This is the nine nominations:
- 2932 (Carlos Escaño);
- El Árbol Seco (Olmo Figueredo y Manuel Hidalgo);
- El Escondite (Pablo Olmos Arrayales);
- The Puzzle (Davide Melini);
- The Last Work (Ezekiel Montes);
- Jara la Dulce (Carlos Fierro);
- El Títere (Carlos Fierro);
- Varices (Jota Linares);
- Montenegro (Lander Camarero).
Good luck to everyone!
- 2932 (Carlos Escaño);
- El Árbol Seco (Olmo Figueredo y Manuel Hidalgo);
- El Escondite (Pablo Olmos Arrayales);
- The Puzzle (Davide Melini);
- The Last Work (Ezekiel Montes);
- Jara la Dulce (Carlos Fierro);
- El Títere (Carlos Fierro);
- Varices (Jota Linares);
- Montenegro (Lander Camarero).
Good luck to everyone!
sabato 8 novembre 2008
Linda Blair in the "Fancine" inauguration!

This is the full programme of the festival (in spanish language):
- Concurso de Largometrajes (VOSE):
Anamorph (Henry Miller, EEUU 2007).Un asesino en serie está obsesionado con el concepto artístico de la anamorfosis y transforma el cuerpo de sus víctimas para manipular la perspectiva y crear puntos de vista diferentes de una misma figura.
Astropia (Gunnar B. Gudmundsson, Islandia 2007).Una joven de alta sociedad se entera de que su novio va a ser encarcelado. Al quedarse sola, tiene que buscar trabajo para valerse por sí misma, pero fracasa en la búsqueda hasta que es empleada por la tienda de libros y accesorios de fantasía Astropia. Allí su vida se transforma al conocer a sus compañeros de trabajo, que son unos “frikis”.
Dark Floors (Pete Riski. Finlandia 2007).Un padre y su hija están en un hospital lleno de monstruos (los miembros de Lordi, la banda de rock que ganó Eurovisión).
Let The Right One In (Tomas Alfredson, Suecia 2008). Ganadora del Festival de Tribeca.Orkar, un joven de doce años, está aterrorizado por unos matones hasta que conoce a su vecina Eli, quien le da fuerzas para defenderse. Sin embargo, Eli es una vampiresa y cuando Oskar se da cuenta se enfrenta a la difícil decisión de seguir queriéndola u olvidarla.
The Broken (Sean Ellis, UK 2008).Gina cree haberse visto a sí misma conduciendo su propio coche en el pasado; se traslada de la realidad a un mundo que va más allá de sus propias pesadillas.
Musallat (Alper Mestçi, Turquía 2007).La vida de una joven pareja cambia cuando empiezan a ser acechados por espectros, fantasmas y terroríficas criaturas sobrenaturales.
The Man From Earth (Richard Schenkman, EEUU 2007).El profesor de historia John Oldman confiesa durante su fiesta de jubilación que es un ser inmortal que lleva vivo 14.000 años.
Manhunt Rovdyr (Patrik Syversen, Noruega 2008).Verano 1974 – Cuatro amigos van a pasar un fin de semana en el bosque. En el viaje se detienen en una parada para camiones. Allí se enzarzan en una discusión. Al continuar con su camino recogen a una chica que les advierte que están siendo perseguidos. Inmediatamente le hacen una emboscada donde los dejan inconscientes.
The Cycle (Michael Bafaro, Canadá 2008).Una mujer conduce por una carretera forestal de Maine cuando se detiene en una gasolineradonde el dependiente le cuenta una terrible historia sobre lo que ocurre por aquellos bosques. La mujer, extrañada, se aleja en su coche hasta que de repente se encuentra con una joven asustada que sale de entre la vegetación.
The Disappeared (Johnny Kevorkian, UK 2008).Matthew se siente desolado tras la desaparición de su hermano menor Tom, de la que se considera culpable. Tras ver varios recortes de prensa y vídeos de la desaparición de Tom, Matthew empieza a escuchar voces y a tener visiones de Tom, por lo que decide acudir a una médium.
Le Madri Nere ( Ms Silvana Zancolo, Italia 2007).Una pelea entre sombras y luces. En la habitación de Maurice, la sombra de Jacques vive, que normalmente se esconde en la sombra de un árbol que se ve desde la ventana, en otras sombras, en las zonas oscuras, en los espejos…
Murders Loves Killers Too (Chris McKinley, EEUU 2008).Big Stevie tiene un problema sexual, asesinar es como tener sexo para él. Para liberar el asesinoque tiene dentro sabe que lo mejor es matar a un grupo de descuidados y liberales adolescentes.
- Concurso de Cortometrajes:
2932 (Carlos Escaño, España 2008).Klaus Huxley es un detective de la esfera paradominante al que leencargan un extraño caso en el que se verán implicados miembros y altos cargos de la esfera superior predominante.
El Árbol Seco (Olmo Figueredo y Manuel Hidalgo, España 2007).Un niño de cinco años vive con sus padres en un asentamiento chabolista quepróximamente será desalojado. El chico descubre un árbol seco cerca de su vivienda, y en su intento por devolverle la vida, consigue evadirse de la dramática realidad que le rodea.
El Escondite (Pablo Olmos Arrayales, España 2007).Este cortometraje es una metáfora del juego “El escondite” y la situación actual respecto al problema de los niños frente al hambre. Cada año el hambre mata a 12 millones de niños alrededor del mundo. Es un problema que está “escondido” de los grandes temas de los medios masivos de comunicación. Quizá nosotros, la sociedad, seamos ese último participante capaz de rescartar a estos niños de su miseria y su eminente desenlace a la muerte.
The Puzzle (Davide Melini, España 2008).Una mujer rechaza darle dinero a su hijo, sin importarle su insistencia. Una noche ella decide relajarse y olvidar sus problemas con su pasatiempo favorito: los puzzles. Esta tabla de juegos esconde extrañas figuras que pueden cambiar su pacífica noche en una pesadilla. “Siempre hay una pieza del puzzle de tu vida que no encaja”.
The Last Work (Ezekiel Montes, España 2008).Un mafioso ruso está dispuesto a realizar su último trabajo.
Jara la Dulce (Carlos Fierro, España 2008).Jara es una mujer despechada con los hombres. Una noche ata a un desconocido en un descampado y buscará cualquier excusa para dispararle. Consiguió el 2 Premio del Festival de cine Instantáneo de Córdoba.
El Títere (Carlos Fierro, España 2008).Un personaje animado lee en un periódico que “Se vende marioneta”, pero al estornudar algunas letras se caen y el anuncio se convierte en un “Se vende mano”. Participó en la VI edición del Notodofilmfest.
Varices (Jota Linares. España 2008).Marga regenta una peluquería de barrio desde hace años. Prueba de ello, una gigantesca variz recorre su pierna de arriba a abajo.
Montenegro (Lander Camarero, España 2008).Garraza se despierta aliviado tras una pesadilla.
- Cortos Españoles:
Las horas Muertas. Killing Time (Haritz Zubillaga). Ganador Y Faro de Plata del Festival L'Alfas del Pi, Alicante; Cine de Caóstica...Cuatro jóvenes han acampado con una vieja autocaravana de alquiler cerca de lacarretera. Alguien les apunta con un rifle. Cuando el francotirador dispara, todo se tiñe de sangre. Un día de vacaciones se convierte en una macabra pesadilla de horror, sexo y muerte.
Diez. (Carlos Polo).Un cruel asesinato. El descubrimiento de un nuevo y letal tipo de arma. Dos situaciones aparentemente inconexas, se entrelazan para demostrar que no todo es lo que parece. Y que sobre todo, el honor y el sacrificio todavía perduran.
Mi Amor vive en las Alcantarillas. (Manuel Arija).Durante la comida, el matrimonio González recibe de su hijo una noticia inesperada. “Salen letras. En el papel higiénico. Letras”.
La Espera (Carlos Agulló) .Dos desconocidos esperan en una sala.
Alimañas (Claus Groten).Una joven adicta a la morfina vive recluida en un desguace abandonado. Aunque todo parece desierto, algo acecha entre la chatarra. Mención Especial en el Cryostshow Festival 08. Premio a los mejores fx y maquillaje del Festival de Molins de Rei, etc.
El Mal de Schneider. (Javier Chillón).Años 50, una cápsula espacial soviética se estrella en Alemania occidental. El extraño tripulante es el exportador de un virus...
La Mitad que Yo. (Marco Denaro).Rufino ha estado la mitad de su vida lamentándose de su rutina y la otra mitad tocándose las narices esperando que por arte de magia cambie todo. Un buen día llega esa magia inesperadamente.
Auga. (Ozo. X.A.Perozo-porteiro).Es de noche. Dos ladrones intentan robar dentro de un viejo coche abandonado. Pero no va a ser una presa fácil.
Cinco Minutos Para la Medianoche. (Fernando Guillén Cuervo).Veinte personas se protegen de un estado avanzado de guerra en el interior de una alcantarilla. Se ha desencadenado una crisis de guerra nuclear y es imposible detener la cadena de acontecimientos.Cada uno de estos personajes se enfrentará a los últimos cinco minutos de la vida de la humanidad.
Tras Los Visillos (Sergio Muro, Raúl López).Un asesino en serie, personajes variopintos y una pequeña dosis de gore.
Cotton Candy (Aritz Moreno).l frío complica siempre las cosas.
Martians Go Home (Dani Moreno)Cuenta la leyenda que Sarah Clockwork, gran virtuosa terminista, desapareció en mitad de una actuación en un gran teatro de Nueva York en 1928. Se dice que fue “abducida por marcianos”. En 1986 el joven Fran, haciendo uso de sus precoces facultades como científico, fabrica un Theremin. Con él pretende comunicarse con Sarah Clockwork, su amor platónico.
- Cortos Extranjeros:
Morsure (David Morley, Francia 2007)Son tiempos oscuros, las autoridades ordenan confinamiento... Pero una noche una joven es perseguida por un hombre armado, logrando refugiarse en la granja de una pareja. El granjero se enfrenta al atacante, pero nada es lo que parece...
Welcome To White Chappel District (Marie Vieillevie, Francia 2008) Sin diálogos.El barrio de Whitechapel en Londres se “personifica” para contar a un transeúnte (la cámara) la historia del Jack el Destripador.
Dans Leur Peau (Armaud Malherb, Francia 2007).oseph, el chico de los recados, asume la personalidad de Michel, un director ejecutivo que murió en un accidente delante de sus ojos. Vive en su apartamento, lleva su ropa y va a su oficina. Lo curioso es que nadie parece ser consciente del cambio...
Afterville. The Movie (Fabio Guaglione y Fabio Resinar, Italia 2008).058. Hace cincuenta años cierto número de estructuras cayeron sobre el mundo, cambiando el horizonte de la mayoría de las ciudades de la Tierra. Estas naves espaciales, conocidas como “las rocas” nunca dieron señales de vida y fueron integradas en el crecimiento urbano y en el desarrollo socioeconómico mundial.
The Auburn Hills Breakdown (Geoff Redknap, Canadá2008).Es la historia de Junior, el psicópata de la motosierra y leal hijo de una familia de caníbales del bosque. Su camión se estropea y se ven obligados a refugiarse en la terrorífica casa de una pareja de yuppies profundamente superficiales.
Eel Girl (Paul Campion, Nueva Zelanda 2008).En un secreto laboratorio militar, un científico se ha obsesionado con la criatura medioanguila, medio humana que estudia. Cuando ella lo llama, es como la llamada de una sirena...Hunted (Ricardo Velarde, UK 2008).Un joven fotógrafo de un periódico es amenazado con perder su trabajo si no consigue lafotografía de un niño que padece una gran deformidad.
Rojo Red (Juan Manuel Betancourt, Natalia Pérez Pabó, Colombia 2008).Federico Guillermo juega en el tapete de la sala de su casa con sus juguetes y su gato cuando Lia, su hermana, lo sorprende, lo acusa con su mamá quien bastante alterada, le regaña y a la fuerza le calza los zapatos ortopédicos. Él intenta oponerse sin lograrlo. Decide huir de la casa.
Schrik (Martijn Hullegie, Holanda 2007).Bárbara y Oliver han sido pareja durante trece años. Su lema “Nunca te vuelvas aburrido”.La película comienza cuando su juego –asustar al otro de muerte para luego hacer el amorcambia a acciones ya preparadas.La Curiosa Conquista del Ampere (Ramón Orozco Stoltenberg, México 2008).Un joven muere electrocutado, su cuerpo extraordinariamente continúa vivo por unos días.
Anyone There? (Holger B. Frick, alemania 2008).Violet está esperando pasar un buen fin de semana cuidando la mansión de un amigo. No imagina que será acosada por un hombre.
Dead Bones (Olivier Beguin, Suiza 2008).El Lejano Oeste. Un cazador de recompensas encuentra a un criminal. Lo alcanza en un pequeño pueblo medio abandonado donde pronto descubre que los pocos vecinos restantes tienen unas costumbres de lo más insólitas.La lista sigue y sigue y sigue y sigue (pinchando en el nombre de cada sección tenéis los .pdf de las mismas):
Sección Informativa: Borderline, Tale 52, Id, Twilight phantom...
Cortos de animación: Dog's Days, Solos, La Increible Historia del Hombre Sin Sombra...
Homenajes : Borderland
Premiers: Idiots and Angels, Evangelion: 1.0 YOU ARE (NOT) ALONE),..
Así es el Futuro: La fuga de Logan, Star Trek, Alien8, Metrópolis... Esta sección es GENIAL.
Ritos Ancestrales y Naturaleza: UTU, Long Weekend...
Horror Zone: Dead Wood, Inside, Tokio Gore Police,
lunedì 3 novembre 2008
"Fancine" - Final nº 8!!!

I'm proud to tell that "The Puzzle" has been selected for the final of "Festival de Cine Fantástico" ("Fancine":
This festival is the most important one about horror in Málaga. In the final there are, also, two others short-movies, both of them produced by '73140323 Producciones Cinematográficas': "The Last Work" by Ezekiel Montes and "Montenegro" by Lander Camarero.
The final will be the next sunday...
Suerte a todos!!!
venerdì 31 ottobre 2008
martedì 28 ottobre 2008
"The Puzzle" - Final nº 7 and a new review / interview
Like I said 5 days ago, I have some news: the first one (and more important) is that "The Puzzle" is in the final of "Tenebria Film Festival" of Roma (
The other one is that came out a new review / interview on this web site:
The other one is that came out a new review / interview on this web site:
giovedì 23 ottobre 2008
"The Puzzle" - Final nº 6 + A semifinal + A new review
I'm sorry if I didn't write for a long time, but it's a period that I'm very busy. Anyway I've some information to give: the first one and most important is that 'The Puzzle' has been selected for the final of "Tohorror Film Festival" (; the second is that it's been also selected for the semi-final of "Festival de Cine de Terror de Molins de Rei" ( My opinion is that it's wonderful compete in more country, because this means that our job's appreciated. The third new is that it came out a new review. If you want see it enter in this web site: and research 'The Puzzle' by the title name.
I have, also, a lots of important news: about reviews, other festival finals that we have been already selected, and in particular the project for my new movie... I'll reveal everything very soon...
I have, also, a lots of important news: about reviews, other festival finals that we have been already selected, and in particular the project for my new movie... I'll reveal everything very soon...
martedì 7 ottobre 2008
Third interview and a new review
Go to read the third italian interview that "Indie.Horror" made to me:
Others new review came out on:
Others new review came out on:
giovedì 2 ottobre 2008
Again a new review!
"The Puzzle" is continuing to have a very good reviews... go to check the new one on:
sabato 20 settembre 2008
"The Puzzle" - A new review
Another horror web side wrote "The Puzzle" reviews. Go to see:
venerdì 12 settembre 2008
Second italian interview on "Cinemahorror"
Go to read the second italian interview that "Cinemahorror" made to me:
lunedì 1 settembre 2008
Italian interview on "Lazonamorta"
Go to read the italian interview that "Lazonamorta" made to me:
lunedì 18 agosto 2008
Villanova in Corto - Final nº 5!
"The Puzzle" has been selected in the final of "Viallanova in Corto". Go to see this page:
The finals will be on October.
In the "Alto Volturno Movies Festival" we have passed three selections and we arrived to the final, but we didn't win. Go to see the web page and open the second television, in which there is the final night (
The finals will be on October.
In the "Alto Volturno Movies Festival" we have passed three selections and we arrived to the final, but we didn't win. Go to see the web page and open the second television, in which there is the final night (
giovedì 14 agosto 2008
"The Puzzle" - Other three reviews
Other three horror web sites wrote "The Puzzle" reviews. Go to see:
Soon, in "Lazonamorta" and "Cinemahorror", will be published an interview that they made me.
This short is going very good!
Soon, in "Lazonamorta" and "Cinemahorror", will be published an interview that they made me.
This short is going very good!
giovedì 31 luglio 2008
"The Puzzle" - Is it possible a sequel?
Two horror web sides wrote "The Puzzle" reviews. Go to see:
Further to critical success of this short-movie, I'm thinking to write the sequel and, from yesterday, I began to write some ideas...
Further to critical success of this short-movie, I'm thinking to write the sequel and, from yesterday, I began to write some ideas...
venerdì 25 luglio 2008
A new final in "Alto Volturno Movies Festival"
In all the three festival finals, we have been unlucky! But now we hope that we can have a little bit more luck in the "Alto Volturno Movies" finals
The winner will be selected on 11 and 12 of August.
The winner will be selected on 11 and 12 of August.
venerdì 4 luglio 2008
"The Puzzle" on youtube!
I'm happy to say that "The Puzzle" full lenght is now available on youtube
I hope you can like.
I hope you can like.
mercoledì 2 luglio 2008
And three!!!
This time the nomination is heavy! "The Puzzle" has been selected for the final of "Epizephiry" Film Festival (
The jury, composed by producers, directors and actors, has chosen between 250 short-movie.
Now the finals will be on 27 of July.
Go for!!!
The jury, composed by producers, directors and actors, has chosen between 250 short-movie.
Now the finals will be on 27 of July.
Go for!!!
venerdì 27 giugno 2008
Amarcort Film festival - "The Puzzle" in the final!!!
I'm very proud to say that "The Puzzle" has been chosen (between more than 300 short-movie) for partecipating to the finals of "Amarcort Film Festival 2008". This is already the second final which we partecipate (the first one was on "Alto Vicentino Film Festival"). On 12th of July we should know the winner!
You can see the nominations on
Good luck!
You can see the nominations on
Good luck!
mercoledì 11 giugno 2008
"The Puzzle" - A particular thanks
While I'm working to the new screenplay, you can read the italian comment about "The Puzzle" in this horror website:
I feel to give a particular thanks to Ezekiel Montes and Biktor Kero for their amazing job: the first one for the extraordinary photography and the second one for the brilliant editing.
I'm proud that, until now, the public liked this short-movie. This is the way that we have to follow.
I feel to give a particular thanks to Ezekiel Montes and Biktor Kero for their amazing job: the first one for the extraordinary photography and the second one for the brilliant editing.
I'm proud that, until now, the public liked this short-movie. This is the way that we have to follow.
martedì 3 giugno 2008
A new project
Shooting "The Puzzle" has been great, in particular because it was the first time that I shot in Spain. Now I need to realize something that I feel inside me; something more deep... for this I spoke the last week with my friend, the producer Ezekiel Montes. I hope to continue to work with him, because it's not easy finding good and professional people that really love the cinema. The only thing that I can say about the new project is that I want to dedicate it to my friend Rosario Prestopino, that he's recently disappeared. I also spoke this week to his son Diego, that worked in the first two shortmovie of mine. I'd like that he's coming in Spain for making the special effects.
I can add that the principal points of the new projects are:
This is just the beginning...
I can add that the principal points of the new projects are:
This is just the beginning...
sabato 17 maggio 2008
"THE PUZZLE" - Official Trailer
I take off the italian teaser for putting the Official Trailer. Go to watch and enjoy!
giovedì 15 maggio 2008
Goodbye my friend Rosario

13th May: I'll never forget this horrible day and this is not just because the "Maledentro" project didn't get money by italian department. The reason is more serious: Rosario Prestopino (one of the most important italian make-up artist) disappeared. This bad break came to me as a shock!
Rosario (in the picture, on the left) was born in December 1950 and from 1975 until now he worked in 44 movie. The most important title are: "Zombi 2", "Black Cat", "City of the Living Dead" and "New York Ripper" (Lucio Fulci), "Demons" and "Demons 2" (Lamberto Bava), "Terror at the Opera" (Dario Argento), "Cathedral of Demons" and "The Sect " (Michele Soavi). I've known him a lots of years ago and he always had time for helping me. We worked together in my first two short-movie ("Extreme Love" and "The Screenplay") and he was a person that, personally, I respected and appreciated a lot. Now I'm very near to his family hurt, because I lost a very good friend.
We'll never forget you!
Goodbye Rosario.
Rosario (in the picture, on the left) was born in December 1950 and from 1975 until now he worked in 44 movie. The most important title are: "Zombi 2", "Black Cat", "City of the Living Dead" and "New York Ripper" (Lucio Fulci), "Demons" and "Demons 2" (Lamberto Bava), "Terror at the Opera" (Dario Argento), "Cathedral of Demons" and "The Sect " (Michele Soavi). I've known him a lots of years ago and he always had time for helping me. We worked together in my first two short-movie ("Extreme Love" and "The Screenplay") and he was a person that, personally, I respected and appreciated a lot. Now I'm very near to his family hurt, because I lost a very good friend.
We'll never forget you!
Goodbye Rosario.
sabato 12 aprile 2008
"MALEDENTRO" project
Yesterday I came back to Spain. I've been 10 days in Rome for presenting a new long movie project to the italian department. This long movie's called "Maledentro" and the screenplay has been written by Pierfrancesco Campanella. Campanella is an italian screenplayer, director and productor that has a house production called "Bell Film". The department suppost to answer on May... We hope good, because it can be a wonderful opportunity!
giovedì 3 aprile 2008
"THE PUZZLE" - Italian Teaser
Now it's possible to watch the italian teaser of THE PUZZLE: checking below and pushing VIEW TEASER! Enjoy!!!
martedì 1 aprile 2008
While we are waiting that my new short-movie is coming soon on my blog, I'd like say thanks to all the people that have helped me to realize 'THE PUZZLE'. It's been a very difficult project, because we shot only in one day without stopping... It's always more difficult to find a people that work with professionalism and humility and for this I'm proud to enjoy the movie with everyone of them. After two year, finally, we can say: DAVIDE MELINI IS BACK!!!
Thanks to everybody.
Thanks to everybody.
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